Monday, September 29, 2008

Would you call this a dealbreaker?

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This was sent to me over gchat today.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Get the door...

it's Domino's!


I saw one while driving this weekend and there is one 20 blocks from my house (this is actually very close to me). And they deliver! I seriously cannot wait to eat their delicious breadsticks and have enough leftover to eat cold pizza in the morning. My mouth is seriously watering as I am typing this. And just in case Bogotá Domino's does not appreciate ranch dressing like Madison Domino's, I found a bottle at the store last week and it is already in my fridge.

This is going to be a super short post because I am just about to write in my other blog, but I knew you would all appreciate the gloriousness of finding the gem that is Domino's!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

"You can call me dirty dog"

Hi my loves,

Well I can't say I have much to update on, but I'm really excited for you Kretsch! All of your grand plans sound amazing, and I'm sure they'll work out just as you are hoping! Either way, way to work it on getting that server job at the PB place! You might have to stop stealing their sombreros though...

I have had some "informational interviews" lately. I'm hoping that all this networking works in my favor. So far, I feel like each person tells me completely different things about where I should be looking, what I'm qualified for, etc. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude.

I have heard a lot about facebook though. As in, the informational interview people have told me to go through my account and make sure that there isn't anything I wouldn't want people to see. I have a really limited profile, and only a small group of people can even see my pictures. But I decided to check it out more, and untag some of the bad ones. I had almost eight hundred pictures of me when I started. Now I think I have five hundred or so... and I definitely could tailor it down more.

It turns out that becoming friends with all of you was a) the best thing that ever happened to me and b) the worst.

I was kind of shocked at the number of pictures of me doing bottle pulls, shotgunning, beer bonging, keg standing. And of course, the pictures where it was clear I was being held up by someone. I didn't realize that I went through a small "check out my tats" phase around the beginning of junior year. There were pictures where I was kissing any of you, several of you on the cheek. Even worse, pictures where I was leaning in for the kiss but you weren't sure of my aim. Pictures with the wink and peace sign. The hardest ones to untag were actually the ones that I was looking okay, but someone else was O.C. in the background. Generally, this was Katie doing her angry face at the camera or Joel looking a little ill surounded by T. Bell.

I kept in some that were just too classic to get rid of. The one of us all rolling around on the ground at Mifflin. Me dancing with Bushwacka. Pictures of us all double fisting at Amy's in order to take advantage of half price before midnight.

Either way, it made me sad to have to get rid of some of these! I know they're still out there, but I personally think that my ability to black out twice a week and graduate in four years should be commended by future employers, not attacked. I think that's how I'll start my interviews from now on. My greatest accomplishment is.... being a regular at Amy's Cafe for two years, and still walking on my expected graduation date. What's YOURS, Mr. Human Resources?

Miss you betches.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hell hath no fury like a woman with an unsolicited mom-cut

I haven't had anything to write on here in forever so you're about to just get a hands-on account of how vain I am. Deal, bitches.

I've been toying with the idea of chopping my hair off for at least a month now. It was getting too long and wasn't really doing much of anything. When I mentioned it to Jenna she said "NOT TOO SHORT!" Mike said the exact same thing, followed by "DEALBREAKER!" when I told him I was buzzing it like Demi in G.I. Jane. These words were echoing in my head when I first met the bitch who we can call Mindy from here on out. I told her very explicitly that I wanted it to be cleaned up, and that I wanted it at a medium length well below the chin.

"Above the shoulder, though?" Mindy asked.

"Eh, maybe so the longest layers touch the shoulder," I responded.

Mindy wordlessly led me to the sink and wordlessly washed and conditioned my head. She did not speak to me on the way back to the chair, or as she began to take out her tools. She mumbled something about damaged hair as she began hacking away at my hair. About eight snips in, I realized that this was going in a direction I was not comfortable with. My "shoulder length" cut was quick becoming a flapper bob and I wanted to take Mindy's shears and cut the bitch. When it was over, Mindy had spoken four sentences and I was holding back tears. I belong in an ad for the PTA.

What do you do when you suddenly look like you might drive a Subaru hatchback with two kids in back? You go shopping. I headed to the mall and decided in advance that I deserved whatever I wanted today. You know that saying, "don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach?" Its cousin, I discovered today, is "Don't go shopping when you are internally weeeping over a shitty haircut." Not as catchy, I know.

Every time a curious salesperson asked me if I was looking for anything particular, I wanted to scream Something slutty! Where are your assless chaps located? Doesn't anyone wear bustiers anymore? I want everyone so focused on my tats that they wouldn't notice if I was rocking a Jeri curl mullet. After heading to the fitting rooms with a sweet oversized cardigan, I decided that the Gap wasn't my best option for this project. I headed to Arden B, home of the classy hooker look I was going for.

While trying on a ridiculously summery halter top that was about three times my price range, the snooty saleswoman handed me a bunch of tops over the fitting room door. Same old story, I think you should try these on. I look at them and realize that the chica brought me all extra smalls. Normally I wouldn't fall for the But you're so skinny! ploy by overzealous anorexics working on commission, but I ate it up today.

I left the mall already knowing that I would have to return all the stuff that woman forced on me, but still relatively pleased with myself. Katie Holmes has a rockin bod and even she hasn't found a way to distract everyone from the recycled Travolta hair piece she's been sporting as of late.

My world came to a startling halt when I walked in the door from my crisis shopping. Both my little brothers, who have absolutely no observational skills, said "Woah! Haircut!" when I walked in. I told them I didn't want to talk about it when Taylor, the sixteen year old said, "I really like it actually." Connor agreed and then my dad walked down and said the same thing. They swore up and down that my mom hadn't told them to be nice to me (which has been known to happen in the past). So there you go. I still think I look like a cross between Ramona Quimby and Amelia Earhart, but the only three people to witness it so far are thinking I look "good", "better", and "sassy", respectfully. I wish I respected any of their opinions more.

At this point, I think the leather bustier is just a plus.