Saturday, August 30, 2008

Holy Joufits

There is a good chance that Bogotá may beat Las Vegas in the joufit game. It may be hard to believe, but the crazy weather here seems to bring out the joufits in people.

I don't even know what to say about Colombia so far, except that I am pretty sure I am experiencing major culture shock. This city is so different from Madison or Milwaukee. There are approximately 8 million people here which makes everything uber-crowded. I am squished while on the bus, traffic is insane (pretty sure traffic laws don't exist), you have to weave through people in every store that you go into... it's nuts.

And I'm totally freaking out about my job. I have to be a REAL teacher... something I am pretty sure I am very unqualified for at the moment and classes start on Wednesday. And it's a strict private school, also something that I am very unfamiliar with. I hope I don't screw this up too much.

I'm probably sounding a lot like Debbie Downer right now, but I am slowly adjusting. Tomorrow I will be meeting more AIESECers which I am really looking forward to. Sadly my birthday falls on a Tuesday and school starts at 7:45, but hopefully next weekend I will get to learn how Colombians party.


Joel said...

I can only imagine the joufits that you are running into down there. I hope that things mellow out for you because I know that you will be fine!

Gina Marie said...

I cannot think of anyone more qualified to teach those kids than the nicest girl in the world. Well, maybe Bob Costas but still... runner up isn't half bad. YOU'LL BE GREAT!

Molly said...

i know i'm being a creeper reading a blog that's not intended for me, but WHATEVER you guys posted in on the internet.

so now my next question, what is joufit?!

Liz said...

molly, for a complete description of a joufit, look up one of gina's posts in her blog circa spring break